PowerShell Command History: Retrieving Past Commands Across Sessions

In the PowerShell ecosystem, the ability to retrieve command history is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity for efficiency and troubleshooting. While PowerShell does a great job of keeping your command history within a session, it often takes a bit more work to retrieve commands from previous sessions. This blog post provides a complete guide on how to obtain the history of PowerShell commands across all sessions.

Understanding Command History in PowerShell

PowerShell automatically stores the history of executed commands in a session. This history can be viewed by using the Get-History cmdlet or by pressing the up and down arrow keys. However, this history is usually not persistent across sessions by default.

Making Command History Persistent

To preserve command history across sessions, you need to export the history to a file when the session ends and import it when a new session starts.


Example 1: Exporting Command History

At the end of your PowerShell session, you can add the following command to your PowerShell profile script:

Get-History | Export-Clixml -Path $env:APPDATA\PowerShell\History\history.clixml

This command exports the command history to a Clixml file stored in the user’s AppData folder.

Example 2: Importing Command History

To import the history in every new session, add the following command to your PowerShell profile:

if (Test-Path -Path $env:APPDATA\PowerShell\History\history.clixml) {
    Import-Clixml -Path $env:APPDATA\PowerShell\History\history.clixml | Add-History

This command checks if the history file exists and imports it into your current session.

Enhancing Command History Retrieval with Get-PSReadlineOption

Building on our previous discussion on command history in PowerShell, let’s expand our toolkit with the Get-PSReadlineOption cmdlet. This cmdlet is part of the PSReadLine module, which enhances the command-line editing experience in PowerShell and, by default, is included in PowerShell versions 5.0 and above.

The PSReadLine module offers advanced functionality for command history, including options to control the number of commands to remember and to persist history across sessions.

Using Get-PSReadlineOption

To view the current PSReadLine options, including those related to history, you can simply invoke:


This command will output various options and their current settings.

Configuring History with PSReadLine

One of the key features you can configure with PSReadLine is the history-saving capability:

Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveAtExit

This tells PSReadLine to automatically save the command history when the PowerShell session is closed.

Viewing and Customizing History Settings

To see what history-related settings are available, filter the output of Get-PSReadlineOption:

Get-PSReadlineOption | Select-Object -Property *History*

You can view the history in a text editor:

Notepad (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath

You can customize these settings to determine how your history behaves. For example, you can change the maximum number of commands to store:

Set-PSReadlineOption -MaximumHistoryCount 1000

Best Practices

  1. Explore PSReadLine Options: Familiarize yourself with all the PSReadLine options to fully utilize its capabilities.
  2. Customize Thoughtfully: Before changing PSReadLine settings, consider how they will affect your workflow and whether they might have any unintended consequences.
  3. Automate History Management: Add the export and import commands to your PowerShell profile to automate the process.
  4. Secure Your History: Be aware that your command history may contain sensitive information. Secure access to the history file accordingly.
  5. Update Your Profile: Add your Set-PSReadlineOption configurations to your PowerShell profile to ensure they are applied to every session.
  6. Consistency Across Environments: If you work across multiple machines, consider synchronizing your PSReadLine settings to maintain a consistent environment.
  7. Regular Cleanup: Periodically clean up the history file to remove outdated or irrelevant commands.
  8. Selective History: Consider filtering the history before exporting to avoid clutter with unnecessary commands.
  9. Versioning History Files: If you want to maintain a record of command history over time, consider versioning the history files with timestamps.
  10. Error Handling: Implement error handling around the import and export process to avoid issues when files can’t be accessed or are corrupted.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your PowerShell command history is retained across sessions, providing a valuable resource for reviewing past commands and replicating successful sequences. This persistent history enhances your PowerShell experience and can significantly improve your workflow. By incorporating Get-PSReadlineOption and the associated settings into your PowerShell usage, you can take full control of your command history and improve your overall efficiency in the shell.

Note: Always be cautious with your command history as it may reveal scripts and commands that interact with sensitive systems.

Stay tuned for more PowerShell tips, including advanced scripting techniques and module guides!

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